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Simplify sensitive data exchanges

80% of AI projects are stuck in perpetual POCs due to complicated regulatory and business level workflows. With Fluid, you can simplify workflows and save months in business cycles

Collaborate with zero-risk and reduce costs

Data leakages and privacy violations creates millions of dollars in fines and reputation losses every year. With Fluid, you can work with sensitive data without worry, drastically reduce any chance of leaks and misuse when you work across teams, partners and customers.

Unlock new opportunities and go to market faster

Go beyond just exchanging data. Explore and analyse data within a secure enclave using built-in data science tools. Create new data products and take them 2x faster to market. 

Ecosystem Partners
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Infrastructure for a future where businesses can partner, collaborate and gather intelligence from one another while preserving trust and privacy of data.

Simplify sensitive data exchanges

80% of AI projects are stuck in perpetual POCs due to complicated regulatory and business-level workflows. With Fluid, you can simplify workflows and save months in business cycles.

Collaborate with zero-risk and reduce costs

Data leakages and privacy violations create millions of dollars in fines and reputation losses every year. With Fluid, you can work with sensitive data without worry, drastically reducing any chance of leaks and misuse when you work across teams, partners and customers.

Unlock new opportunities and go to market faster

Go beyond just exchanging data. Explore and analyze data within a secure enclave using built-in data science tools. Create new data products and take them 2x faster to market. 


CDOs and Data Leaders

Retaining control and ownership with multiple partners and users, with end-to-end and simpler policy controls

Product and Business professionals

Derive value from data without compromising customer's trust

Info Sec and Governance professionals

Stay compliant without compromising on agility, with a unified and seamless system

Fluid makes win-win happen for

Exchange data or

and preserve trust

See how Fluid bridges trust in AI across a variety of business scenarios.

Trusted Infrastructure for data partnerships

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Exchange sensitive intelligence without compromising trust

Our platform

Ecosystem Partners
Ecosystem Partners
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